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wisdom afterwise sage magi wise Magus Charles V prudent oracular sapient unworldly ill-advised providence rational alphonsine oracle worldly-wise sagacious the Magi discretion farsighted Frederick III politic sophisticated economy wiseacre epiphany imprudent sagacity way-wise Solomon discernment s Mentor foresight erratic wide antonomasia penny-wise inadvisable way sense advisable experienced omniscient gemote old frugal unsophisticated unwise adjective husbandry
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pound-foolish profundity thrift hakim sophisticate judicious worldly wiseman solon pansophic -ways sophistication coolth advise self–wisdom proverb illogical shipping Gotham improvident philosophical sophist aphorism wisely the Three Wise Men wizard of discreet doubly prudence stoic venerable far-sighted adage saying misspent youth drop penny-wisdom witty sensible witenagemote prodigal anaphora quaint maharishi stoicism townie lead creche nestorian seer sapience apathy overwise frankincense understand wiseass [or] wise-ass Daniel O'Connor pathetic fallacy worldly mirth pansophical sound apparition descendant have grammarian envious arsenal counsel gnome pursue owlish impractical Seven Sages hakam underscore field survival well–advised the school/university of life telltale prude monopoly political wys behind savant well-advised circumstances statesman distinguished well-founded sagely canny plaid well ominously single thus blather measure attribution substitution careful renounce entail anywise ill–advised graybeard anastrophe healthy augury sea edifying maxim dominate conspicuous pandit perspicacious insomuch sapid smart oxymoron retrench avail knowing medical meeting levity prognosis prosper impacted network Solomonic world–wise enlightened vacillate all-knowing gash nothing theban witful adorn wizened mastery polarity gnomic rytina vicious more omen deep ought gray extravagant witan astute cluey yet sensitive mahatma luminous gnostic blasé smart aleck simple rede crack acharya wary diagnosis profound appreciate misspend shallow Chiron philosopher self-denial have your head screwed on (the right way) all uncool self–wise screw mad tempt accurate good practice beyond unwitty pearls of wisdom unadvisable silence is golden counselable crone auld–farrant conservation pishogue better godly-wise as well joker amauta right kahuna saw sophy wise-hearted understanding sawn cunning against one's better judgement expedient go mad around short-wited man of the world fool gem wiseling know better (than to do sth) worldlywise thrifty discreetly advised sad wise-like fundament ass profligate mighty which penny–wise sententious know better than know better (than to do something) out of the mouths of babes (and sucklings) do well impolitic pansophist a penny saved is a penny earned warily well-judged better safe than sorry desirable adviceful skill kernel of truth/wisdom etc pseudosopher policy choice mellow perspective cannot/can’t very well discretion is the better part of valour sly nugget tohunga pearls/words of wisdom owl say fortune immature behavior Cheiron hasty quip dictum practically waft globe pewit waxberry esteemed appear frumpy epiphenomenon ripe reason with sb pundit set particular womb bottom belly maidenhead blog fields senate Tiresias warehouse coward ye matrix encephalon eve conk Butt cardia cervix sea crow pole university pud pash mobile jowl cloth book net privity housel ventricle pais heaven gorge armhole breastbone tomorrow general bulk Middle America the Good Book wineberry whistler oxbird bum snook prongbuck shadbush spoonbill leer Aurora gullet spiny anteater procerebrum touch-me-not clotbur shoemaker Pierides open air soy sea cow flick filth share common midway sky blue hunkers paunch lave dinger line headpiece spinal column psyche top lift slump region multitude patella tout brow prosencephalon mesogastrium pileworm throne bluebonnet emporium pontiff pianet daylight cephalon blaeberry carcajou pie brainpan Panic swordtail fin sloe the blue snoot porgy foam rhombencephalon wipe podium pogy poker garbanzo the firmament proboscis morrow whitefish underarm quadratus tinker gob bill razorback rasp roughhead mun tarse talus Russian wolfhound sol service leather breadbasket greenhead casket clapper puttock chaw rukh smee whinyard slab sing-sing tidley supermaxilla quickhatch redlegs derri�re [or] derriere variola trismus main Norse potto pound sign holland sergeant the briny flipper turnsole weet-weet hinder redback Holy Writ morn rud coatimundi umbilicus nowadays kite mesencephalon coalfish futurity goggle-eye hammer Dogs kneecap sennet stonechat torgoch oilseed first nun she notum nates lug fest costard the Internal Revenue Service balls Alkoran sanguinary maybird generality los tho da le Saturnight foreward soil epitome huckle suburb word gule mazard double-u environs seafront noggin countenance riff mold ball barm mooey umbilic nock entire final rising sun nine fore Black Spy noll counttenance hour destiny air great republic supreme noodle normal upward utter van dock loft cuff tail summit ether alley dutch foretime wem earth fives hearth gross good guts preternature scruff scalp quick inwardness mesocoelia rove ordinary palate commonalty crag stomach varletry shode netherworld terrene vulgarity welkin weasand sprite leaf-fall cob firmament shade clift Gironde ground reeve canaille northland universal the (old) bill the Beeb the change of life the Confederate States halisauria briny the United Nations forebrain felltare atte hives horsefish fanny jack buns converse Gemara fustic kadder hedge sparrow hedgehog haw fatback highbrow Holy Father Ind lamantin mendole loins lima bean menopome love apple fancy heavens nard mercenaria mesoblast ocean moer mischief beche de mer optic pan messias inverse photogravure misseldine monorhina picture rest Rhein mossbunker rear myelencephalon southeastward course substratum cuckold sod number one Torah total soul case pilcher bluecap the powers that be trouser snake turpentine pinnock shellbark paard paddlecock paunce peechi tailbone needlefish nigua pig-deer pine pettifogger petto pewee philomel pee-pee parsondom palatoglossal palatopharyngeal pallet ospray pissabed poppy popple lion's foot lumpsucker lyerman madge prickly-broom maiger maybush preopercle redeye clavecin reebok reins ramrod samlet red-eye sarlyk sacring saith saithe sale rhinocerot ricebird schooly scull rose sawbelly river-hog roach rock-salmon the horn duck deil elk diddle nave scabies musky nub nob noddle ondatra oont norie signifer silverback schelly clee speckled-belly sole shithole corby seaside shirley space mark ephialtes fever freestyle ilk holm huck heat leguan lien keelie kevel knowledge-box macrocosm mandragora lob manus shovelbill scopster methy mentum mesenterium mulga the American Medical Association the blower the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development the European Central Bank the European Commission the long arm of the law ancon smaragd backside dove's-foot snakebird dronte cave betony snowbird bun butterweed butthole button blindworm coupon crawdad sea mouse cushion choler chopper sea swallow sheeprack corpus gown fuzz gemmule geniohyoglossal grapefruit earthmad rampe springer supramaxilla sowbread soya strany steinbock subtracter toot track threadworm thrower tick tidewater succoteague to-come sweetbread trunk tush easterling tailor tenpounder term universality viscera when white-ear ptilocerque whitewing whoop wicket windpipe yamma wizen xiphisternum yard yellowhammer yockel tuna venada vison waxbird dollar sign encephalos whitetail wimbrel chavender winnard 2 wivern wolverine woodcracker thickbill thirstle thropple house tomtit toozoo teaberry tennu teuk at sign hover-hawk Arabian bird arch-enemy blind gut brain axis humerus browneye hydrophora calces Lucifer law dermis glowbard country golet grip haddie eglantine orc heel bone Indian cock kitab king of beasts id light the World Wide Fund for Nature Map fed NUT nutria fish hawk MOB Mephistopheles mercury basilicok boxfish bugfish burr abada deloo cowfish crabeater cimiss as much constablery epiderm cephalophora chipping bird icterus impoofo impoon harns hazelwort heelpiece hell-diver hockherb glossata Chicago Mercantile Exchange goldcup grape fruit gueparde ingena Hades flopwing kholsun kiddow kidneywort the forenoon falk ewt piet pill-willet piot platanist microzoa mudfish pasan orpin osspringer ouanderoo mydaus nipper nutbreaker nutjobber lichwale kokama lady's thimble lecama mangue marrot martinet maskinonge maybloom luna the flicks redfish rheeboc spauld rodge roodebok the Exchequer sanny sapajo saurobatrachia entrails sea dog sea dragon sea owl sea pad sea pike sea raven sea toad the Cosa Nostra sisel skart prill puet steingale

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Words For "the wise"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the wise" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the wise" are: wisdom, afterwise, sage, magi, and wise. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to the wise listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the wise" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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